THE WORLD IS DETERMINED BY A PROCESS OF THOUGHT CREATION. “The most powerful force in life is the force of vision . . . when you can see what is possible and believe that it can come to pass, it makes you capable of doing the impossible.” What we think and what we believe literally create the substance of our lives. There is nothing that we do where we don’t think about it first. Thought is akin to the paint brush and paint that one uses to create a picture on an empty canvas, that manifests itself into reality. With conscious thought creation, you are painting the picture and the outcome you desire with your mind, knowing that it will come to pass as envisioned.
“The most powerful force in life is the force of vision . . . when you can see what is possible and believe that it can come to pass, it makes you capable of doing the impossible.”
Dr. Myles Monroe
Thought and vision are the key elements in the mystical creation of all that is. It is said that all life began with a thought, a vision from the Absolute Energetic Creator Source, (GOD). Thought creation is a gift given to us, inherent in us, and of a divine nature. Before we have the impetus to do something, we think about it first. Thought used with intention is a call to action to the universe, to create the circumstances and substance that will actualize our desires. Understanding the power of intentional thought is the key that opens the door to infinite creative possibilities.

As mentioned in our opening text, inventor Nikola Tesla said, “if you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Energetics is based on the fact that all things are comprised of energy and vibrate at certain frequencies. Energy is the force that is within all that exists. Thoughts direct and command the universal energy to create the circumstances that gives birth to your dreams on our plane of reality.
Energy and the creation of events and circumstances is highly influenced by the mind. The energy emitted from the mind is what one would call the “Creator Force,” the life force of all that is. It’s the force that creates and sustains life universally, and is the same energetic force that we ourselves use to consciously or subconsciously create our lives with.

Belief is a powerful tool! Faith and belief are key factors in the manifestation of your desire. Belief carries the fiat (the formal authorization or decree) that you place on your desire to have it manifest into reality. The force that you set off when visualizing your dream starts to energetically build the fabric of the desire, including matter and circumstances, propelling it towards fruition. Disbelief and doubt break down the potential for manifestation of the desire and lessen the energetic force inherent within your initial vision.
Patience is built into faith. Because we live in a three dimensional reality within a space-time continuum, (cause + time = effect), what you desire to manifest may not show up immediately. Having faith is believing that no matter what the world is showing you at the moment, you choose to rest soundly in the fact that what you envisioned will come to pass.
Faith allows the energetic force of the dream to remain intact during the time process of the dream’s fruition. It allows for the building of an accumulation of force towards the manifestation of the desire. When you hear people say, “keep the faith,” or “just believe,” doing so means that you are keeping yourself in a position of holding the initial energetic power of the dream unadulterated. You are allowing the original force to accumulate energy and remain in-tact, until it appears on the landscape of time.
“Allowance is the ability to open and permit yourself to receive. You must allow yourself to open to the changes, new energies and gifts that your desired manifestation will bring into your life.”
Allowance is the ability to open and permit yourself to receive. You must allow yourself to open to the changes, new energies, and gifts that your manifestation will bring into your life. If you are running on an old, tired version of yourself and you believe you are unworthy to receive, or that everything will remain the same no matter what you do, you will subconsciously self-sabotage any dream that you desire to manifest.
If you think this sounds like you, you must first examine every belief you have accepted about yourself which does not serve you or your ability to manifest a dream. Then, release it! You may hold a belief about yourself that comes from past conditioning or the environment that surrounds you. Know however that there is not one soul on this planet that has not been given the ability to create their lives as they would like it to be or to manifest a dream. You my friend are without a doubt one of these souls who possesses profound abilities. This truth should be first and foremost in the mind of anyone who chooses to create with intention. Within you lies the inherent power to do so, whether you choose to believe it or not. So believe it!
“Expressing gratitude & perceiving your life in a positive way, brings more things to be grateful for into your life.”
I wouldn’t say that gratitude is a necessary element in the process of creation. However, when you feel gratitude for the good and wonderful things in your life, you raise your vibratory level, which consequently allows you to emit an energy that attracts more of the same to you – like a magnet.
When you consistently bring more into your life to be grateful for, you create a virtual cornucopia of happiness and fulfillment. Practicing gratitude builds a path towards ecstatic being. Trainning yourself to express gratitude and to see your life continuously in a positive way, intrinsically comes with its own reward.
– Jonna
There’s much that’s offered and a vast amount of knowledge and support for you to receive at THE NEW THINKERS CLUB!
Here at THE CLUB, we understand that you have the power within you to affect change on a personal and global level – simply by understanding the power of the mind and how to use it. We show you how to reach your internal place of power, and teach you the principles of using this power of the mind to manifest the dream(s) of your desire. For those with altruistic tendencies, we guide you through applying those same principles for the sake of the earth and the uplifting of humanity.
There are good things at THE NEW THINKERS CLUB. We approach all within the light of positivity. We encourage you to dive right in, join THE CLUB and enjoy all that we have to offer.
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