An Interactive Program Designed for Children, Teens, Adults and Activists

An Interactive Program Designed for Children, Teens, Adults and Activists

Heal the Wounds: We appear to be living in times that could be described as tumultuous, as we are experiencing events most people have not experienced before. Our lives have been changed abruptly, with viruses forcing us indoors and worldly unrest happening outdoors. Many people, from the young, to the elderly, are understandably feeling anxious, fearful, and confused at this time.

The Heal The Wounds, Then Touch the Sky program presents a platform for people of all ages and nationalities to get in touch with what they are feeling and to express it in an open forum. Founder Jonna Gill believes that acknowledging your inner feelings and expressing them in truth, ultimately opens the door to new insights and healing. This program concerns itself with providing a platform for the true emotional expression that enables one to transform fear and pain into strength and certitude.

Touch the Sky: To us at THE NEW THINKERS CLUB, the sky represents unlimited possibilities. After allowing the participants to identify and express what they are feeling, we help them connect to the seat of power within them. We give instruction on how to use the power of the mind to create the world they want to live in and to manifest changes they would like to see take place, personally and in the world. Through this work, we want participants to feel they are not victims of circumstance, but conscious creators of circumstances, with an ability to affect themselves and society positively at will. Ultimately, we want participants to learn that they can create change simply by understanding the power that lies within them through the use of energy and thought generated by the mind.

We welcome all to take part in this series. All sessions will be held through Zoom calls. See course categories and their descriptions below.







Children are possibly feeling especially vulnerable at this time. Suddenly they’re plunged into a world they’re not sure they understand, filled with unprecedented changes and restrictions. These abrupt changes can be difficult for a child to digest, leaving many to hold feelings bottled up inside that may lead to outbursts of anger and aggression.

The program for children allows the child, along with a group of their peers, to individually and collectively express what they are feeling now. All participants receive a chance to speak and be heard. Afte sharing their feelings, we give each child a chance to express what they would like to see in the world and what would make them feel happy and secure.

Finally, we take their positive responses and lead them on a guided vision-quest where they use their powerful imaginations to manifest their dreams into the world.

All meetings are conducted via Zoom calls. No Adult is allowed on a call without their child. All children must have written consent from parents to participate, using the contact form below. Families are welcome.





AGES 13-19

So you’re a teen! You’re no longer a little child and not yet an adult, but you’re definitely able to feel the energy of the world around you; and you’re affected by it. You stand on the cusp of being able to highly influence the world with your thoughts and ideas. Soon the world will be yours to shape and mold and you have lots of feelings and opinions you’d like to express. So let’s hear it! This program gives teens a platform to individually and collectively express what’s going on in their hearts and minds during these times.

At THE NEW THINKERS CLUB, we’re all about teaching how to use the power of the mind to affect change in the individual and the world. During our program, all participants will have the chance to express their feelings and speak about the world they live in, as well as the world they’d like to create. After that, we’ll use the ideas presented as starting points to teach simple methods to manifest these positive seeds of thought into reality

As a teen, we believe you’re not too young to know the power that lies within you; for where you stand now, you have unlimited potential to manifest your dreams and of course, touch the sky!

All meetings are conducted via Zoom calls. Any teen under 18 must have written consent to participate from their parents using the contact form below. No adult is allowed to participate in a teen session without accompanying a participating child.

So you’re a teen! You’re no longer a little child and not yet an adult, but you’re definitely able to feel the energy of the world around you; and you’re affected by it. You stand on the cusp of being able to highly influence the world with your thoughts and ideas. Soon the world will be yours to shape and mold and you have lots of feelings and opinions you’d like to express. So let’s hear it! This program gives teens a platform to individually and collectively express what’s going on in their hearts and minds during these times.

At The New Thinkers Club, we’re all about teaching how to use the power of the mind to affect change in the individual and in the world. During our program, all participants will have the chance to express their feelings and speak about the world they live in, as well as the world they’d like to create. After, we’ll use ideas presented as starting points to teach simple methods of how to manifest these positive seeds of thought into reality

As a teen, we believe you’re not too young to know the power that lies within you; for where you stand now, you have the unlimited potential to manifest your dreams and . . . touch the sky!




So you’ve been on the planet a little while and you feel that these are challenging times. You might even be feeling a bit panicky and anxious. Our objective at THE NEW THINKERS CLUB is to help you find the power within to deal with any storm and come out on the other side intact, stronger, and prosperous. We teach you that you don’t have to be the victim of circumstances, but you can be the creator of circumstance and stand on steady ground no matter what is happening in the world.

We believe we have the power within us to affect change on a personal and global level, simply by understanding the power of the mind and how to use it.

We begin each session by allowing each participant to express issues of concern and then introduce methods of using the power of the mind as solutions.

We believe that we are standing on the precipice of a new age, where we will realize the incredible power of the mind and it’s ability to affect change. We welcome you to join us at THE NEW THINKERS CLUB!




You’re a person who recognizes injustice in the world, and you are filled with the passion necessary to make a change. Whether it’s social injustice or protecting Mother Earth, you are poised and ready to let your voice be heard and to make a difference during these unprecedented times.

​​​At the Heal the Wounds, Then Touch the Sky program for activists, we provide a platform for you to express the changes you would like to see in the world and question what an ideal world looks like to you.

​Founder Jonna Gill believes that thoughts and beliefs create reality; and that to manifest the greatest outcomes, activism should be married to the use of the power of the mind to affect change.

Your thoughts have energy and can work in conjunction with the creation of circumstances to bring about the change you want to see and experience.

​Jonna will teach exercises to help you use the power of your mind to manifest positive changes for the world.