Realizes that, as a species, we are standing on the precipice of understanding the true power of the mind and how it pertains to the creation of our lives and world.
Understands that the power of thought begins an alchemical process that turns a vision into reality.
Knows that the power to create is an innate gift and chooses to train themselves to use the power of conscious thought creation.
Utilizes the power of the spoken word and understands how it can be used to create a life with intention.
Knows that one must use conscious thought creation to visualize today the world they want to see tomorrow, and that the force of that vision will take them there.

I was born in Philadelphia, then raised in an area of Pennsylvania where foxes, bunnies, and deer were prevalent. I was declared Catholic from birth by my parents and received a full Catholic school education. At the end of my senior year in high school, I felt that there was something more to the story about God that I had been taught and became quite curious as to what that might be.
At 19 I had a strong personal desire that was not realized. I suffered the experience of having something that I had been working towards fall through. Looking back now, I can deem the event as being trivial, but to a fresh-faced 19-year-old, it felt like the end of the world. Shortly thereafter, feeling crushed and depressed, I sat down and asked God with every fiber of my being, to do with me what he willed. It was one of the clearest, most honest and most impactful moments of my life.
Immediately after making this entreaty, I heard what sounded like the creaking of an ancient door opening, and then WHOOISH, I was quickly pulled into a whole new world of thought. I was set in a new direction, on a path which led I knew not where. What transpired was the beginning of a life that thirsted for knowledge of the light, the essence of God, the source of love, the source of creation, all there is. The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. In those first years, it seemed to be all that mattered to me. I studied world religions for approximately two years. The path then sharply turned to metaphysics along with the science of God and God innate as creator-source, apart from religion. At this time, I started practically eating books on my topic of passion and continued to develop an insatiable desire to learn more.
As a youth and throughout my life, I never sought typically to be rich, or to be famous. I sought instead to find what made my pulse beat, my heart pound, and to know of that which filled me with so much love at times, that I felt I would burst. I realized one day that what I had sought to find had found me and awakened the gift of spiritual knowledge within me, a gift that is accessible to all in its purest form. Looking at my life from the outside, one could say that it has been somewhat typical with its highs and lows. However, spiritually I have experienced a life of wonder, reaching extraordinary heights of pure and astonishing delight.
It was not until later on the path, that I developed, or rather unveiled an innate understanding of what one could call the science of God. I suddenly knew what Albert Einstein meant when he said “the most powerful tool there is, is the imagination” and what Nikola Tesla meant when he said, “if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” I understood the power of thought, the energy it contained and how thought was THE key part of the alchemical process of creation. I also understood that science, when not married to spirit, can at its best show only a partial view of “reality,” as it is spirit that is the source of all matter.
I remember when I first called out to the creator as a youth, to do with me what he willed, I also asked, “who am I?” Part of the answer, which I felt whispered in my ear was: “a teacher.”
Coming full circle to the present, I feel compelled to step into a role of a teacher of these principles, as well as to bring to light the thought processes involved in the creation of our lives and our world. With these NEW THINKER principles, you can learn how your mind and vision can be used to change the world in which we suffer into a paradise of light.
Every journey leads back to source – back to love!